Um, yikes. And hello. September and October sped by because we moved house and I got a job. Our new flat is terrific and we are slowly getting things organised so that we can share some photos of it. My new job is similarly terrific but I wouldn’t even know how to go about taking a photo of it.

Now that I have a job and therefore a commute, I have more “How I Decide Where to Sit” posts to share, but that won’t happen for a little while yet because of two things. One, I am participating in NaNoWriMo this year, which is either the best thing I could do right now or the very worst. Two, I challenged myself to read 50 books this year and I am barely close to halfway. I’m committed to finishing the first and at least giving a good show on the second, so my non-work, non-database time is going to be spent offline this month.

Is this what being a grownup is like? It is kind of weird, but also good.